Step one:
Begin by peeling up a corner of this do-hickey. I used a nail tip. You can use a razor blade, screwdriver, or anything else of that nature.
Step two:
The do-hickey should pop right off with the help of some pliers. Be careful! The black area is glass!!!
Step Three:
I used an allen wrench to break out the black thinga-magig. You could use anything that's small enough to fit in that little hole. Be careful, hold it over a trash can, It is glass, afterall.You can see the indentation where I used leverage to pop the black piece out.
Step four:
Break out the glass insides and throw them away dispose of them appropriately. Some light bulbs may have mercury. And I am not sure what other chemicals may be in them.
Step five:
Decorate :)
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Shortly after taking the picture I dropped this little guy. RIP Lightbulb snowman
Thank, Jamie! Now all my friends and family will get light bulb ornaments from me next year :) You can look forward to that! LOL!