It's here, the first day of 2013. A brand new year, with all new adventures waiting to be unraveled. Yesterday, the last ever day of 2012, I reflected on the lessons I learned so far as a blogger and now I'd like to share my goals for the coming year. If I put them out there I'm more likely to follow through with them, right?
You may have notice, but we own the domain name dialogueof2moms.com. Unfortunately it currently just forwards you to my old blogger carlysodyssey.blogspot.com. In 2013 I want to quit using blogger to host our blog (and finally be rid of that silly carlysodyssey) and be running 100% under dialogueof2moms.com. That transition is hopefully not as much work as I'm anticipating it to be.
In 2013, preferably early on, I'm going to learn more about these Link Parties that other more successful bloggers are raving about. Then I'm going to join in on a few of them. I heard about them first on The Thinking Closest, a blog which I've mentioned reasonably often lately. From what I understand these link parties are show and tell shin-digs for bloggers. I have big hopes that getting involved in link parties will inspire many new projects, teach me more about blogland, and maybe even increase our traffic. Maybe, just maybe, little ol' newbie me will be able to help out other bloggers too.
It may sound strange but this year I'm also going to make it a point to get involved in other blogs. If I want and need support from other bloggers I think I need to make the first step and give other people out there a helping hand.
Lastly I want to get some followers. I'm shamed by our pitiful 13 likes on Facebook, 3 followers on Pinterest (2 of which are Jamie and I), 21 followers on Twitter, 7 Blogger members, and exactly 0 followers by email. I'm not sure what's stopping our readers from following us but I'm determined to figure it out and make it right! Feel free to leave any tips as a comment, I promise to take any negative feedback like a champ. By the time 2014 is here I want to have quadrupled our current following. That means turning our current grand total of 44 followers into a whopping 176. That shouldn't be too hard, right?
Four humble goals. This is doable. Now I have to go get started!
Thanks for reading :)
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