Friday, December 7, 2012

4 ingredients = SUPER shiny hair!

This is Kelly's head. Isn't it beautiful? Kelly volunteered to be a victim in another homemade beauty remedy experiment. I'm going to show you how to use these 4 ingredients to get super shiny, super soft hair!

Step 1: Let your hair down

Step 2: In a small bowl, mix your ingredients:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp Glycerin
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbs castor oil. 

**Have lots of hair like Kelly? Double the recipe

Our double batch, well blended.

Step 3: Coat your hair with the mixture. I use a kitchen utensil that I more commonly use for spreading BBQ on chicken breasts :)

I tried to use aluminum foil to keep the
mixture off Kelly's clothes.... it didn't work

Step 3: Let your hair marinate for 1-2 hours. Cover it with a shower cap or a plastic grocery bag. Do NOT also cover it with aluminum foil and/or a towel, you don't want the egg to get too hot and cook. It seems egg is slightly harder to get out of your hair if it has been poached in it...

Step 4: Wash your hair. Use cool water. I can't say this enough, don't poach the eggs while they're in your hair. You may have to shampoo twice, follow up with your regular conditioner if you wish.

Step 5: Air dry or blow dry, the choice is yours :)

Step 6: Enjoy your super shiny and soft hair!

Other great benefits from this hair treatment:
Much needed girl time with 1-2 hours of intense belly aching laughter. I can't tell you how great laughter is for your soul.

Find these ingredients:

Glycerin: Hobby Lobby $3.47 for 8 oz bottle. Same aisle as the soap molds

Castor Oil: Walmart ~ $2.50 for 6 oz bottle. Same aisle as the laxatives.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Walmart ~ $2.70 for 12 oz bottle. Same aisle as white vinegar

Egg: I'm not telling!

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