Friday, December 14, 2012

How marriage changed Ashley and Jesse

Marriage is a beautiful thing. I was recently honored with the opportunity to be a part of the ceremony that united two of my closest friends. Ashley and Jesse. I can't tell you enough how awesome Ashley and Jesse are. It's their sense of humor that tops my list as the most awesomest thing about them, but that's shortly followed by a long list of other traits.

Here are Ashley and Jesse before they were engaged to be married:

They look like an awesome couple right?

Here they are in one of their engagement portraits:

And again during their wedding day:

Like I said, they were two beautiful people. They're wedding was this past October, 13th. So much can change in only a few weeks. On December 10, 2013 something hilariously horrible happened. I opened a Christmas card post marked from Ashley and Jesse, thinking about how wonderfully thoughtful they are. As I reviewed the card I realized the terrible truth. Marriage has changed my friends into some bizarre creatures:

I know it's hard, but try to stop laughing...

Could it be that marriage has already driven them completely insane? Or is this part of their amazing humor? We will never be entirely sure.

Anyone now tempted to wear ridiculous Christmas sweaters and awkward facial expressions in next years card photos?

Don't be a lurker, leave some love!


  1. I could not agree more! Probably the best Christmas Card ever!

  2. How will they top themselves next year? The anticipation ...
